Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Life With Two...

What??? It's been a year since our last post?  I guess it's true what they say.... "Time flies when you're having fun?" No that can't be it.... "Going from one small child to two is crazy?"  Yes, that's more like it!  I know, I know... "Cherish it while they are young...they grow so fast!"  And I get it, and I have tried to cherish every precious moment that I can.  I just think it's hysterical that my last post was over a year ago- I will try to do better with the blog thing :)

Ahhh, life with two kids- how do I best describe it?  Now instead of just being pulled in one direction, we are pulled in multiple directions.  One kid was so manageable, so comfortable, so easy to share responsibilities!  If I needed to do something, it was no big deal to leave Kaitlyn with Justin, or even bring her along, now it is like a team sport. We strategize, we divide and tackle, we split our attention, while at the same time... try to give enough attention. Having multiple children is no small task, and I just hope that as they both get older, it will get easier.  One year in, and I finally feel like I am getting a handle on things outside of the basic survival of the family.  The beginning was just a fog...

This is just so funny, I had to put it in- we absolutely could not get a family picture taken for several months. Kaitlyn wouldn't look, Charlie wouldn't open his eyes, Gunther wouldn't sit, I would be irritated at the whole process- here's one of the best ones...  ;)  It's even more funny now that it's been a year...

Here are some cute pics of the many firsts for Charlie! If you can't tell, Charlie is infatuated with watching Kaitlyn all the time- they are best buds already, and she absolutely loves him, unless he's taking her toys.
First Cereal Feeding
First Cute Pic with Both Kids

Last August 13th, Justin and I celebrated our 7 year Anniversary, and also Charlie turned 4 months old!
Justin and I got a sitter and he showed me how to fly fish at a river nearby and then we had a nice dinner at the Gallatin River Lodge. It was delicious! And so nice to spend some quality time together!
First Family Hike

First Ride in Bike Chariot with Sis
Kaitlyn's First Fish!
Kaitlyn's First Camping Trip with Dad
First Successful Family Pic!
My Little Man- Such a Cutie!
First Halloween!
Just Being Silly!

First Spike
First Christmas!
 Kaitlyn Turned 4! March 10, 2013
 Charlie Turned 1! April 13, 2013

Also, in April, the week of Charlie's birthday, we moved into a different house closer to Bozeman (pics in the next post).  Justin's company now has an office in Bozeman, and I do stuff pretty much everyday in town with the kids. The people we were renting the other house from wanted to sell, so we thought it was a great time to move closer.   Hopefully we won't be moving again anytime soon!  Justin is really enjoying his job, the company is doing well, and we are loving the new neighborhood.  Lots of kids for Kaitlyn and Charlie to play with, and we are within 10 minutes of anything around town that we do, which is amazing. Pair that with the fact that there is no traffic whatsoever- I'll take it!

It is hard to believe we've lived here over 2 years.  It is a great little town and community.  Always hard to be so far away from family and longtime friends, but it makes visits back to Georgia that much more special. We were fortunate enough to make a couple trips this last year.  One last summer, one at Christmas, and one just recently in May.  We are looking forward to having a couple summer visitors here the next few months, and the invitation is always open. We have a guest room, and we are within an hour from Yellowstone National Park and endless outdoor adventure, especially in the summer....meaning between July and September! :)
Here's our most recent favorite picture!
Hope everyone is enjoying a fun summer!!! 

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