Thursday, April 7, 2011

Post 3: We All Made It!

We've all made it out to Bozeman!
Justin drove with Gunther and his mom over the weekend, shortening their trip down to only 2 days!  I don't know how they did it?  They started out on Saturday 4/2 at 4:30am, and arrived about 7pm Sunday night on 4/3.  They drove through the whole state of South Dakota just barely able to hold the steering wheel because of the high winds.  Somehow they pushed through and also managed not to kill each other!  Gunther did great- just lounged in the back and didn't cause any trouble for once in his life!
Here's a picture of the sunrise Justin captured on the first morning at the house- Amazing!!!
Here's Gunther on his first exploration of the backyard and all his space! Happy as a lark...

I flew out on Wednesday 4/6 with Kaitlyn, and luckily we had a smooth trip!  My Mom and Dad were going to Ft. Lauderdale at the same time so we were able to go to the airport all together so they could see us off!  Surprisingly, we were all even on the same concourse, which was so nice!  It is rare that loved ones can literally see you off as you get on a plane these days, so we were very blessed to have had that moment  together!  As we were getting on the plane, Kaitlyn was saying "Going to New Home... Tana-Monti."  I didn't fully realize if she understood exactly what we were doing up until that point, but she definitely summed it up!  After a 3 hour trip to Salt Lake City, several DVD's, and 2 packages of the Delta Biscoff cookies, we were almost there!  Kaitlyn did fine besides the normal 2 year old whining and wallering.  Luckily, the guy next to us had three kids and lived in Salt Lake, and took great pride in telling me all about it.  I could see the excitement starting to build once we got on the tiny connector plane from Salt Lake to Bozeman. We had an hour and a half layover, which I found humorous was actually just enough time to use the restroom, change her diaper, and a grab a yogurt, banana, and a water, and board the other plane.  When we finally arrived in "Tana," Kaitlyn was ready to find Daddy!  As soon as we got off the plane, she was yelling at the top of her lungs, "Daddy, where are you!" and "Daddy, here we are!"  It was hilarious, everybody was laughing and just kind of wondering how someone that small could be so vocal.  So when we took the elevator down to baggage claim, there he was waiting for us, and she went running!  Kathy caught it on camera (sort of)...
It was so nice to finally be all together again after a long month of transition and travel for both me and Justin.  Once we got to our house, less than 10 minutes from the Bozeman Airport, we were reunited with Gunther, who was thrilled, and Kaitlyn got to see her room!  Kathy, Justin's Mom, had worked extra hard to make it special and prepare everything just right so she would feel at home, and that is exactly what happened.  She was naming all her things she had been without for a month and began playing with them immediately "My Chair" "My Giraffe" "My Bed" "My Bears"!  It was priceless! Here's her reaction when she walked in her room at her new home!
So it has been a whirlwind of a week!  We are so excited to get settled and (more importantly) adjusted to the time!  I am totally confused having just been to Las Vegas (Pacific Time) last weekend for my best friend, Jen's, Bachelorette party, and back to Atlanta (EST), and now Montana (Mountain Time).  I'm sure in a couple days, we'll be on track!
Here is the one room we have completely unpacked and set up- the Kitchen!

We are looking forward to our first weekend here together!  They are calling for 4-6 inches of snow tonight, and it was snowing for most of the day today. Not sticking, but very pretty to see!!!
I have lots of good pics from visits with family and nieces over the last month to post, and will update on our jobs in the next few days as well!  Have a great weekend!!


  1. Such a great post Kristin! The Kaitlyn stories had me smiling through most of it. The house looks like it's beautiful too! Congrats again and best wishes!! I can't wait to hear all about the transition, your new job, etc. Miss you already!

  2. Glad you guys made it safely and that we got to see you for a brief second before you left. Enjoy!!

  3. So happy y'all made it there safely! Just reading about everything made me miss you guys so much, so we definitely need a Skype date soon! I hope you had a nice weekend and Kaitlyn enjoyed the snow a little more this time. :) Love you guys!!
    ~ Jessi & Keith

  4. I miss you guys! So glad you made it there safe and sound. I love the Kaitlyn stories too, she is just so stinkin' cute!!! Can't wait to see you in just 3 weeks!! Love you!!
