Monday, May 28, 2012

Charlie Has Arrived!

Better late than never...
We are so excited to announce the newest member to the family has arrived safe and sound!  Charles Armstrong Hill ("Charlie") was born at 2:38pm on Friday, April 13th, 2012.  He was healthy, happy, and too cute for words!
I think quite possibly the worst thing you can do while pregnant is assume that a baby will arrive early... or "like the last one"... Because Kaitlyn was 4 weeks early, I could not imagine that Charlie would ever had made it to his due date!  Then he shows up 3 days late.  You just never know when they are going to make their appearance, and now I know...
I will also add that I have been attempting this post since April and continue to get interrupted (like every two hours ;), so in my true slow fashion, I'm lucky to get it out before June, and I apologize for that!
Here's some pics from the birth and hospital!
First glimpse of the world and very alert! He was 7 lbs. 6 oz, and 21.5 inches.  Just a little blond fuzz on his head and dark blue eyes! I could tell he is going to be tall. He has those same long legs as Justin and Kaitlyn.
Not my best photo ever, but really amazing. While these are never flattering, they are totally worth it. It was definitely not a quick and easy labor and delivery as the second child is rumored to be.  But he's here safely now, and I was so thankful!

Delivery Details (Guys, I'm sure you're not interested...)
That Thursday night 4/12, I started having contractions, and my water broke at midnight.  The labor started immediately, so we headed right into the hospital.  Luckily my mom was at our house, so she was able to stay with Kaitlyn!  She had arrived on 4/7 to Montana with the hopes of the little guy already being here!  When Justin dropped me off at the Emergency entrance, I told the man at the desk I needed to get to Labor and Delivery ASAP!  His response... "Are you visiting someone?"  NO, YOU IDIOT, I'M ABOUT TO HAVE A BABY ON YOUR FLOOR!  Seriously, it was 1am and I was clearly in labor!  So, everything moved pretty quickly through the early morning and we were all thinking he'd be born by 9-10am, but his head was tilted funny as I went to push, which basically meant that I was doing hours and hours of pushing, and he was not cooperating, so as you can imagine- having no sleep that night, no food since dinner on Thursday, and all that pushing, I was done for!  Finally, he arrived that afternoon at 2:38pm.  To make it slightly worse, my epidural only fully took effect on the right side, so I was feeling everything on the left. Justin was awesome through everything, as I knew he would be.  And I think at the end of the day, he was feeling extra thankful that he was a man, and did not have to endure childbirth as we do!  ;)
Here's his first picture with Dad!
Here is my mom "Nana", Charlie's first visitor at the hospital! I have to add that the Friday morning we went in, she took Kaitlyn to school in my car, and got a $85 ticket for running a stop sign because she was flustered I hadn't had the baby yet, and was in unfamiliar territory.  She told the cop the whole story: she was visiting from Atlanta, I was in labor at the hospital, etc, etc. He still had her go ahead and pay him the $85 (cash), and went on about his day. Not typical around here but made for a great story! Poor mom! All was worth it when she got to hold her new little grandson!

Big Sister! 
Kaitlyn's first meeting with Charlie at the hospital that Saturday!
She thought he was going to be her she could play with him! Haha!
If you know how animated Kaitlyn is, you can imagine how ecstatic she was to meet Charlie, her new baby brother!   Besides acting out due to all the new attention to the baby and just being 3, she is adjusting pretty well!  She loves to help with changing him, trying to make him smile, and especially pouring water on him in the bath!   ...See the next post for more on life with balancing Kaitlyn and Charlie! ;)
Justin with both kiddos! Proud Daddy at the hospital! (and proud Sis)
All snuggled up! Everything at the hospital went great. The doctors and staff and the nursery were all wonderful, and it was a great experience!

I think this last pic is my favorite- He looks so content and innocent, and he was so little!  It is really amazing how much someone can grow in six weeks!  
This is getting too long, so I will have to do another post about life at home with Charlie, more pics, things I've learned about having 2 kids, and Kaitlyn's top 10 funny quotes of the last few weeks!

***Hope everyone's doing well and having a great Memorial Day weekend! Stay tuned!***